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KEYNOTE: Cynthia W. Rosenberry

Director of Policy and Government Affairs, Justice ACLU

At the national ACLU Cynthia manages efforts to reform federal and state criminal legal systems along with ACLU affiliates across the nation. She also co-convenes the Justice Roundtable and co-chairs the Criminal Justice Working Group at Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Additionally, she serves on the board of the Deason Criminal Justice Center. 

During the Obama administration, Cynthia served as Executive Director of the historic Clemency Project 2014. Often referred to as the nation’s largest law firm of nearly 4,000 lawyers, she provided pro bono support to obtain release for nearly 2000 people.

She was cited in the Merriam Webster Dictionary when the word decarceration was entered. (Decarceration | Definition of Decarceration by Merriam-Webster (merriam-webster.com)) 

Cynthia also served on the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections, a nine-member, bipartisan, Congressional blue-ribbon panel charged with examining the federal corrections system. The task force released its groundbreaking report Transforming Prisons, Restoring Lives: Final Recommendations of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections in January of 2016. 

She previously served as the Executive Director of the Federal Defenders of the Middle District of Georgia, Inc. and taught at DePaul University College of Law in Chicago. For more than 10 years prior to teaching, Cynthia practiced federal and state criminal defense in Georgia.  

A founding board member of the Georgia Innocence Project, and the first African-American female president of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, she received the 2016 COS Humanitarian Award, the 2017 annual service award from the Alpha Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, the 2017 Champion of Justice Award from the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the 2024 Joseph R. Biden Brown Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Ms. Roseberry earned a B.S. degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio. She earned a J.D. from Georgia State University College of Law. She currently serves on the Reebok Human Rights Awards Board. Ms. Roseberry is also a member of the Council on Criminal Justice.  

A national and international speaker, Ms. Roseberry has presented in nearly every U.S. state in Europe and the former Soviet Union and to a delegation of judges from China. Her TEDx talk, My Father, My Hero, delivered from inside a prison, has been critically acclaimed. See her TEDx talk at http://bit.ly/myfather-myhero.

Thursday, March 13, 2025 Speakers & Events

EVIDENCE BOOT CAMP F | 9:30am - 5:30pm | 8 CLE SKILL Hours | $320 CDAM Member/$400 Non-Member

CDAM’s Evidence Boot Camp F, ideal for lawyers with five or more years’ experience. These all-day, small group, hands-on, immersion trainings develop fast thinking skills, critical to introducing evidence in court. Limited to sixteen, paired into groups of two, attorneys work on fact patterns that focus on Rules of Evidence.It’s been said that if you know the Rules of Evidence, you can Rule the Courtroom. It’s true, and by attending an EBC, you will position yourself to Master the Courtroom.

Click here to register now for EBC F!

         Joan Morgan


Nicole Smith


Patrick A. Cherry


A IS FOR ATTORNEY | 9:30am - 5:30pm | 8 ANNUAL Hours

$320 CDAM Member/$400 Non-Member

Experience CDAM’s acclaimed new lawyer session. Learn what a new lawyer needs to know to begin practicing criminal defense: interviewing a client, setting up a file, nuts and bolts of criminal court procedures, Q&A. Morning session is procedure, working lunch. Afternoon session is trial skills. 

Click here to register now for A is For Attorney!

Tiffany DeBruin


Lisa Kirsch Satawa


YOUR CASE ISSUES | 4pm - 6pm | No CLE Hours Issued | Just Show Up!

Stumped on a strategy? Have questions on a case? This is your opportunity to get feedback and assistance from an experienced CDAM trial attorney.  Your Case Issues on Thursday, March 13, is open to everyone and is free. No reservation needed -- just show up. Check in at the registration desk and CDAM staff will direct you to the meeting room. 

Rhonda B. Ives


Daniel W. Grow


          Michael Steinberg


CDAM ANNUAL MEETING | 6:15pm                                                                                                                                                    All CDAM members are welcome to attend. Those interested in running for CDAM’s Board of Directors must attend a board meeting within the past year.

LODGE PARTY | 7:30pm   

Woodward's in the hotel. Open to All Conference Registrants. Complimentary Hors D'oeuvres; Cash Bar. 

Friday Speakers & Events - 9:00-5:00pm (8 MIDC-compliant hours)

9-12:00pm Welcome by CDAM President Bernard A. Jocuns

KEYNOTE by Cynthia W. Rosenberry

Well-Being for Criminal Defense Attorneys by Marla McCowan

• Rebuttable Presumption against Jail or Probation for Non-serious Misdemeanors by William Nahikian 

12-1:00pm OPTIONS:

Working Lunch -- by Stephanie Farkas and Eric Buchanan

Group Lunch

Lunch on Your Own

1-5:00pm OPTIONS: 

State Track

Transforming How We Advocate for Pretrial Release by Alex Karakatsanis (1:00-2:00pm)

Ten Tips for A Successful Preliminary Examination by Mary Chartier (2:00-3:00pm)

Contempt of Court by Ken Mogill and Arthur Jay Weiss (3:15-4:00pm)

Challenges in Representing a Mentally Ill Client by Jennifer Zoltowski and Bernard A. Jocuns (4:00-5:00pm)

Federal Track

Plea Bargains by James Gerometta (1:00-2:00pm)

Calculating and Fighting Sentencing Guidelines by Leslie Scott (2:00-3:00pm)

Cell Phone Searches by Michael Carter and Matthew Borgula (3:15-4:15pm)

Federal Updates: 6th Circuit by Benton Martin (4:15-5:00)


7:30-10:00pm Cocktail Party by CDAM in Woodward's, Auburn Hills Marriott. Free appetizers. Cash bar.

9:00-12:00pm  Friday Morning Plenary Sessions


Cynthia Rosenberry

Washington D.C.

Well-Being for Criminal Defense Attorneys

Description: Marla serves as the MIDC’s designee to the Michigan Commission on Well-Being in the Law, established in 2023 to change the climate of the legal culture by promoting well-being within the legal profession.  This session will focus on areas unique to criminal defense attorneys and identify opportunities to improve work-life balance and boundaries for our community members.   


• Understand the background and purpose of the CWBIL.

• Have a definition for well-being.

• Understand that good mental health is tied to ethics and

core competence as a lawyer.

• An update on the MIDC’s work, including the new

caseload standard which should support attorney well-being.

Marla McCowan 

Lansing, MI

Rebuttable Presumption Against Jail or Probation for Non-serious Misdemeanors 


The Michigan Court of Appeals issued a for publication opinion in The City of Auburn Hills v. Mason, ensuring that District Courts address the rebuttable presumption against jail or probation for non-serious misdemeanors. The Court of Appeals even touched on Defendant's argument that the sentence was based on an unlawful sentencing policy held by the district court. This appeal would not have been possible without the MIDC and the same opportunity exists for all appointed attorneys in Michigan. The case will be discussed and I will explain how the argument was crafted using felony case law. The presentation will briefly cover the District Court Appeal process and how you can think outside of the box when drafting an appeal.  


• How the argument was crafted.

• Know the law and how cases that helped.

Think outside of the box and case law. Nothing prevents you from making an argument that has not been made before, or using law that is similar but not exactly on point.

• Embrace the use of data and statistics, even if you have to compile them yourself.

How the MIDC has made Misdemeanor appeals more realistic and why you should take them on. 

Many issues still need to be addressed -- there's nothing stopping you from being the one to do it. 

William Nahikian 

Detroit, MI

12:00-1:00pm Group Lunch, Lunch on Your Own, or Working Lunch

Description: Working lunch on tech tips. Limited to 35 registrants. 

Stephanie Farkas

Detroit, MI

Eric Buchanan

Detroit, MI

1:00-5:00 Breakout Tracks - Two Options STATE OR FEDERAL

~ Each track will have one 15-minute afternoon break ~


Transforming How We Advocate

For Pretrial Release 

Description: This session will incorporate lessons from public defenders, criminal defense attorneys, bail-setting judges, and community organizations across the U.S. to transform how we think about pretrial release in Michigan.  It will cover the latest in state and federal constitutional law about bail, concrete practice tips, cutting edge research, resources for filing bail motions and appeals, introduction to pro bono assistance resources for attorneys, and proven strategies for transforming courtroom advocacy to dramatically increase the number of people released to their families prior to trial.


• Understanding the law around bail. 

• Understanding how to work with judges and community resources to expand release.

• Accessing research, practice tips, checklists, and resources for motions and appeals.

• Using the pretrial release process as a way to reduce sentences, reduce convictions, and expand consideration of children and family rights in the criminal process.

Alec Karakatsanis

Ten Tips for a Successful Preliminary Examination

Description: Let’s examine exams! The preliminary examination is critical to trial success. This interactive session will discuss how to use the exam to best prepare for success at trial. This includes how to best determine topics to address, impeaching witnesses (or not), and addressing relevant legal issues. This session will also address when dismissal at the exam is viable and how best to achieve the goal of dismissal. 


• How to use the exam to set up trial success.

• Determining topics to address at the exam.

• Determining when to impeach witnesses at the exam.

• Crafting the best strategy when dismissal is viable at the exam.

• How to best address more complex legal issues at the exam. 

Mary Chartier

Okemos, MI

Contempt of Court

Description: Understand the principles, procedures, and nuances of contempt of court that will help you navigate and address these issues. Learn valuable information about how CDAM can serve as a  resource when facing contempt of court charges.


• Types of criminal contempt. 

• Procedures on how to address Contempt of Court. 

• Defenses and mitigating factors.

• CDAM Strike Force. 

•Learn what you can do to assist your colleagues who face contempt charges. 

Ken Mogill

Lake Orion, MI

Arthur Jay Weiss

Farmington Hills, MI

Challenges of Representing a Mentally Ill Client 

Description: What is an attorney to do if their client is deemed competent but is mentally ill?  Mental health can impact how a client interacts with their attorney and others.  Mental health issues can impact behaviors such as planning and decision making, creating difficulty in the attorney client relationship.  Further, clients with mental health issues are often uncooperative, making an assessment difficult but crucial to their defense. In this session, we will discuss how the attorney and the evaluator can work together effectively despite these difficulties.


• What can I do if my client is competent but mentally ill. 

• The relationship between psychiatric illness and criminality. 

• Mental illness as a mitigating factor.

• The difference between a mental health and a risk assessment. 

• How medication can help (or hurt).

Jennifer Zoltowski

Huntington Woods, MI

Bernard A. Jocuns

Lapeer, MI


Pleas – Don’t Fall for These Traps

Description: This presentation will include a discussion of important issues often overlooked in plea negotiation as well as taking a look at often overlooked issues in plea negotation.


• New Presidential Administration Policies.

• Global Resolutions and “Primary Custody.” Sometimes state court bond isn’t enough.

• Conditional Pleas – How, What, and Why.

• It is Never Too Early to Mitigate.

James Gerometta 

Lake Orion, MI 

Fabián Rentería Franco

Detroit, MI

Calculating & Fighting Guidelines

Leslie Scott

Detroit, MI

Attacking Cell Phone Warrants

Description: Cell phones are ubiquitous and in criminal cases so are warrants to search those phones. In addition to potentially inculpatory information, our client’s phones contain all manner of sensitive personal material and a warrant to search them should not be matter of course in any criminal investigation. Experienced criminal defense litigator Michael Carter and Matt Borgula will discuss strategies for successful attacks on cell phone warrants and searches.


• Using traditional concepts of nexus and particularity in the digital age.

• What does plain view mean in terms of cell phone searches

• Pretext warrants for digital evidence.

 Leon doesn’t always mean you lose.

Michael Carter

Detroit, MI

Matthew Bogula

6th Circuit Sixth Circuit Updates and Emerging Issues in Federal Criminal Law

Description: In addition to an update on recent Sixth Circuit cases, Benton Martin, Appellate Chief at the Federal Community Defender will discuss emerging issues to look out for and preserve in federal cases.


What’s going on with Bruen.

Developments in Armed Career Criminal Cases.

Recent changes to the Sentencing


Benton Martin

Detroit, MI

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